Thursday, October 29, 2009

Loose Bottom Bracket

Just found out the bottom bracket where the crank bearing is has become loose. First I need a  crank puller (mine is a square spindle taper crank) to separate the crank and chain ring from the spindle before I can tighten it with a bottom bracket tool. As I do not have these tools, I'll have to send my bike to the shop to get it fix.

Bike Preparations

Usual bike maintenance like making sure all bolts and screws are
tighten. Clean and inspect chain, brakes and lubricate cables, etc.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Planning a trip to Tg Dawai, Kedah

I'm in the midst of planning  a trip to  Tg Dawai. I'm exploring the option of installing a bicycle dynamo to charge my iPhone during the trip. Any other suggestions?

A trial run

The photograph, Google Maps and GPS data are not from my bicycle trips around the country. I posted them to test whether it will work from my iPhone. Don't want to figure that out when I'm on the road.

Update my blog using iPhone

All the postings you see below are sent directly from my iPhone. It's pretty cool, no computer needed. Just snap the photos and email it directly to my blog. They get updated immediately. The GPS data are sent through my iPhone too.

View Larger Map

MotionX-GPS Waypoint: Last Valid Fix


wusolow uses MotionX-GPS on the iPhone 3G or 3GS and is sharing with you the following waypoint:

Name: Last Valid Fix
Date: 24/10/2009 8:15 pm
Latitude: 5º 17' 17" N
Longitude: 100º 16' 56" E
Altitude: 20 m

Click on this link to display the waypoint in Google Maps. This link will be valid until Nov 26, 2009 12:37 AM PST.

If you are viewing this message on your iPhone or iPod touch, use this link to view the waypoint in the Maps application.

There are two files attached to this email:

"Last Valid Fix.kmz" is a Google KMZ waypoint that can be displayed in Google Earth or Google Maps.

"Last Valid Fix.gpx" is an Open Standard waypoint that can be displayed by select mapping software.

MotionX-GPS Commonly Asked Questions:

Q1: What is MotionX-GPS?
A1: MotionX-GPS, available for the iPhone 3G and 3GS, is the essential application for hikers, bike riders, joggers, and geocaching enthusiasts. It puts an easy-to-use, state-of-the-art handheld GPS system on your iPhone 3G or 3GS.
Q2: Can I use MotionX-GPS?
A2: Sure! MotionX-GPS Lite for the iPhone 3G and 3GS is free and can be downloaded from the iTunes App Store here.
Q3: How can I display waypoints in Google Earth?
A3: Follow the directions on the Google Earth web site to download and install the Google Earth program. Save the attached Last Valid Fix.kmz file to your computer. Launch Google Earth, select File, Open, and open the saved Last Valid Fix.kmz file. You may also be able to display the waypoint by double-clicking on the Last Valid Fix.kmz attachment in this mail message.
Q4: What is a GPX Waypoint?
A4: GPX stands for GPS Exchange Format and is used to transfer GPS data between many GPS devices and applications, including Google Earth. A waypoint is a set of coordinates that uniquely identifies a geographic location.
Q5: This e-mail was forwarded to me and I can't find the attachments!
A5: Some e-mail programs do not include the original attachments by default when forwarding an e-mail. In this case, the sender must reattach the original files for them to be included.

Please contact us here with any comments or questions.

All the best,

The MotionX Team

US and Foreign Patents Granted and Pending. Fullpower® is a registered trademark of Fullpower Technologies, Inc. MotionX™ is a trademark of Fullpower Technologies, Inc. © Copyright 2003 - 2009 Fullpower Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.

ver: GPS/7.2 ver: com.fullpower.motionx.gps.web.Version@2254b2; ref-id: 0c69e0dd-c8ca-408a-aab7-00ccb41ccf38

A cafe in Kota Damansara

Thank you for visiting but I'm sorry it is still under construction